A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

veryu guier parghjur gawm pkar itea!!!!!!!!!1!11!!!!!!11!

For serious, the cursor lock mode is kinda frustrating so I might fix that in a later update

You cant click anything when you beat the game so you can just alt f4 out of there.

Made for the Low Quality Game Jam by Tassilo59


oh my god it veryjnfgij gfjfgcjcfj;igh gheior hysier.zip 23 MB


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(1 edit)


andd i  thInk it gud gaem

for somes reason i cant opend it?!?1!/!/!!?!/1

this geam veyr gud epok

what is the parkur game AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

very gud game

it scares me, good job!